Culture Everything

When you’ve lived a technicolor life, you can’t help but believe that resilience boils down to your relationship to, and understanding of, culture. This applies to people, to places, to brands. Ergo, Culture Everything: a culture consultancy by Christine C.

Resilience is process and outcome.

AKA culture.

Applying a culture lens to everything connects businesses with the fundamentals of being human – and solves every problem in an organic way. By solving for the human, you can solve for every ‘X’ – and become unbreakable in the face of uncertainty and change. Not a bad place to be during these crazy times.

When it’s no longer possible to look to the past to predict the future, taking a human-centred, culture approach is all that’s needed to attract the best talent. Increase productivity. Reduce churn – and connect with audiences wherever they are. Who needs walking the walk, when you’ve become who you say you are? Sit back and reap the benefits.

I wrote a blog about it

The Theatre of Resilience:

Future-proofing the human, business & government

My fave culture thing I did: culture & experience agency, What Does Not.

Because a culture of division and disconnection is eating away at society. And because people need purpose and inspiration so they can create the future, I set up What Does Not.

WDN is a hybrid entity disrupting entertainment and the work/leisure divide. It is an ecosystem for living life with meaning, combining the functions of a creative agency, events production company, community and prep school.

Listen, Relate, Create –

Listen, Relate, Create –